In response to the disaster in Haiti, this is what the Living Water family is doing. Please pray with me for the tens of thousands who have been displaced and devastated.
Living Water cares about the 7.0 earthquake which struck Haiti on January 12th. Our hearts go out to the Haitian people affected by this tragedy. As a church we encourage you to respond to this situation in the following ways:
- Pray for Haiti using these prayer points.
- Participate in the Living Water Haiti Relief Offering or give a special gift in a regular offering.
- Consider going to Haiti with Living Water's Relief Team.
- Check out the Foursquare Missions (FMI) webpage for news about
Foursquare relief efforts and Foursquare missionaries in Haiti and the surrounding areas. - Pray for Living Water Missionaries to the Dominican Republic Rich and Kirsten Root.
- Pray for the people of Haiti as they deal with the aftermath of the earthquake, ask the Lord to comfort those who are injured and mourning.
- Pray for rescue efforts to find survivors trapped in destroyed buildings and for communication links and power supplies to be restored quickly.
- Pray that the country of Haiti would have a receptiveness to the message of the Gospel in the midst of this tragedy.
- Pray for the relief efforts of the Foursquare family and the Foursquare missionaries in the area that they would have wisdom to know how to minister to those around them.
- Pray for a swift and generous response from the international community to help this disaster-prone poor country.
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