It seems to me that "busy" has become a popular state of existence. There are a lot of people who are legitimately busy, but I wonder, "Do we secretly feel more valuable the more busy we are?" A couple thoughts about being busy:
1. The definition of "busy" is: having a great deal to do. The opposite then is: having very little to do. WHY WOULD ANYONE WHO CAN HONESTLY SEE THE NEEDS AROUND THEM NOT WANT TO BE BUSY MAKING A DIFFERENCE?! I think the problem is when people get busy doing stupid and pointless things. Look at your last 48 hours, what was really WORTH the energy & time you gave it. Watching TV, Facebook, Tweeting...
2. God never said we wouldn't be busy, but He did tell us we needed a rhythm that included a Sabbath. Not taking a Sabbath will ruin anyone. I don't care how important you are or what world changing activities you are a part of - God rested, so should we.
3. THIS IS ESPECIALLY FOR PEOPLE IN MINISTRY. Don't believe the deception that you can go at an unhealthy pace at the expense of Sabbath and family because it is just a "season". It is so easy to justify when you are in ministry and your job is to take of people in the name of Jesus. How could you ever say no? But busy ministry seasons never end and it does not honor God when we get burned out and leave our families in the dust. (If you are married ask your wife how many times you have used the term "busy season" in the last month. If she says more than 4, you need to reevaluate.)
4. Being busy is not a bad thing, but let's not feel more worthy because we have more to do. If we are busy doing things that honor God - BE THANKFUL that your life is making a difference. If we are busy doing things that are time wasters - STOP...NOW - you have the potential to be great in Jesus.
5. Let's work together to do the RIGHT things, but keep it in balance with God centered rest and rhythm.
6. Remember, if you are married, your spouse is your thermometer. Ask often and listen well to what they have to say. You can always get a new job, you can't get a new spouse or children.
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