This was another great weekend at Living Water! The church did a great job of being "salt and light" at the Bash on Saturday night and there was life changing, Spirit filled, ministry at each of our Sunday services. Here are some of things that stood out to me:
- If a church is going to do a "Halloween Alternative", do it to reach the unchurched, not just to give church kids someplace to get candy. (By the way, I love church kids, I've got 4 of them :)
From the Sunday Services:
- Luke 5 is the first record of Evangelistic Vandalism
- Divine Delays and Overwhelming Obstacles are often God's GIFT to us
- Some "Closed Doors" are really Bridges that need to be kicked down
- Stubbornness is the determination that you will survive in your own strength
- Faith is the determination to get to or stay in a place where God can do what you cannot
- Questions to ask when you "hit the wall"
- Are we unified?
- Is the Holy Spirit leading me?
- Will the result glorify Jesus and build His kingdom?
- Sometimes we live under the MISPERCEPTION that God’s uses “the path of least resistance” to guide us.
- DISAPPOINTMENT - I didn't get to hear one of my favorite preachers at our Regal Video Campus :( <Pastor Tim>
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