Every weekend my heart grows more convinced that God continues to do great things in and through the lives of His people. While the scripture validates this reality time and time again, media and culture seem to give us ample reason to grow increasingly concerned and pessimistic. In spite of that, God's grace and mercy never cease to amaze me and I see His fingerprints ALL AROUND!
This weekend we talked about "Learning to live a life of WORSHIP and be a person of PRAISE". Here are some of my highlights:
- Eric and his team rocked the house this morning! There were some technical difficulties at the beginning of the Nine but they praised their way through. Great job!
- Speaking of tech problems... Whenever we experience a tech glitch (which isn't very often) I'm reminded of how many weekends come together in such a way that most people have no idea how much complexity is involved within the presentation. Our tech team including Dale, Jaysen, Daniel, Kelly, Joy, Ryan, Jeff, Jason, Mark, Kathy, Brenda, Laurel, Andy AND SO MANY MORE are some of the best in the world! They have servants' hearts and truly worship Jesus with their service! On the rare occasion something goes wrong, I THANK GOD FOR HOW OFTEN THINGS GO RIGHT! I love our team. (by the way, if you're not involved in serving somewhere, you are MISSING OUT!)
- Worship = when our attitude and activity align with God’s created purpose.
- Praise and thanksgiving = when we RIGHTLY ATTRIBUTE CREDIT TO GOD.
- SEX was created to be an act of worship to God.
- Traffic jams, Sour Milk and Email Spam are all direct results of Adam.
- Worship without Praise is Legalism
- Praise without Worship is Hypocrisy
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