I'm all settled in for the night, thinking about a great day. Here are some of my highlights:
- Thank you for the email and Facebook messages! I love that our church embraces a challenge to be more like Jesus.
- If we all get serious about ending this year with INTEGRITY, we'll be available for even greater things in the year to come.
- Over 170 couples at the Couples Conference getting restored, strengthened and challenged to be AWESOME husbands and wives.
- Jesus will take all of us from being "followers" to being "FOLLOWERS" (you had to be there). The process is called Discipleship.
- We saw LOTS of men and woman come to Jesus! That is a miracle!!!
- I really thought the Seahawks would pull off a win today, I was pulling for them... Sorry guys.
- Some people want the benefits of Jesus without the cost of discipleship.
- Jesus will keep asking, "Will you trust My word?" and "Will you trust My way?"
- QUESTIONS: do you have a time and place set aside where you can "check in" on your discipleship journey?
- What roles do you play? Mine primary roles are; Disciple, Husband, Father, Leader, Pastor, Friend, Brother, Son... Yours?
- GREAT JOB to everyone who stepped up to serve EXTRA this weekend because so many couples were at the Conference.
- I have two days off in a row! It's a mini staycation...
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